Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Hi Everyone -

Just a quick update on things. After a very long and hard weekend for John as well as their family, it became clear that something had to change in the management of his care. Yesterday was a particularly rough day. John is still having considerable trouble with congestion and breathing and is requiring around the clock, constant care - without any major relief for John. Finally, Kathy visited the Hospice House (Casey House) in Rockville, at the suggestion of the Hospice nurse and others - thinking that might be the next step for John - having them manage his care. This was hard - the thought of having John away from home. After talking with them and others, they've decided instead to try to change things at home and see if they can manage his symptoms and get him to a comfort level without having him leave home. One of the major changes is in the doses of medications (they realize that he should be having much higher doses). Now, they have a new schedule and amount of meds that will hopefully bring John's body to a place of comfort with less distress.
They really desire to have John stay at home with them. Please pray for John's comfort and continue to pray for grace, strength and comfort for Kathy and Amanda as they continue to be the primary, heroic caregivers as well as their entire family.
Thank you for standing with them in prayer.


  1. Praying for much grace, peace and strength for all of you. Much love to you all from your friends in SF, CA!

  2. Kathy ~ I am so sorry to hear the news! Your family will be in our prayers. Much love and grace, Lisa & Steve Cassarino from New Jersey

  3. We are thinking of you and praying for you every day. May you feel God's nearness and compassion for you as you walk through this incredibly difficult time.

  4. We continue to pray regularly throughout the day for you all and in particular John as he adjusts to life in this moment. Kathy, we pray for you and Amanda too, for stamina, much sustaining grace and peaceful sleep when you're able to get it. Love you all!

  5. You are in our hearts and we continue to pray for comfort, peace, and the ability to sustain in the midst of everything.


  6. Dear Spiro Family,

    We love you all very much, and our hearts ache for what you are all going through. Kathy and Amanda, you are truly amazing and inspiring, and we pray for you constantly. Please tell John we miss him and that he is ever present in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.

    God bless you all,

    The Riordans

  7. Dear Spiros, I am praying for you every day, for healing, comfort, and peace.

    Much love in Jesus Christ!
    Abbi Sherer
