Thursday, November 11, 2010

Update on John

As many of you have heard by now.......early this afternoon on the recommendation of our Doctor
( Doc Mays ) John was brought to the hospital to get some chest X Rays to determine if he had Pneumonia or not. For the past several days he has had a hard time coughing up mucus in his lungs. But, because he has little muscle allowing him to cough , he has a hard time getting his lungs cleared. They are doing many different respiratory treatments on him to loosen things up and clear out his chest. We're doing well and feeling a God's grace and peace. Our good friends the Fortiers are in the same hospital awaiting their son Eric's tonsils removal. We seem to do everything together :). While I stayed with John, Chris Fortier and Amanda went out and brought back pizza for all of us, so its been a real party in the ER. While we wish he was home, we're glad he is in such capable hands and they can treat the problem better than our family could. They are giving him a Nebulizer treatment every 4 hours, which has already made a huge difference. Thank you to everyone for their texts, emails and prayers. They are much appreciated! We feel so loved and cared for as we continue to walk through this season of our life. So comforting to know God orders all our days, for our good and for his glory!


  1. thank God.. keeping you all in our prayers.

  2. Friends and loved ones. I got to talk to my sweet little brother a few minutes ago. Thank you God.

  3. Terri - Felix and I are praying for you all! Can I bring you all a meal or anything?
    Linda (Zimmerman) Horensavtiz

  4. We are fervently praying for John (and you, and Gabe & Joseph). Is there anything we could do? Bring you coffee? We'll keep checking the blog.

    Elise Finch

  5. Oh, and Amanda! Lady, you provoke me by your service to your mom and Dad and by your testimony on this blog. Thank you for using this season and investing so well. Praying for God to sustain you as well!


  6. Love you guys and praying for you...

  7. Kathy, we are praying for you and Johnny!

  8. You are in our hearts and in our prayers... all of The Glabs
