Saturday, December 25, 2010

New Years Update

We have enjoyed a rich time as a family over Christmas and thanks to Dave Wilcox the sound guy at our church, we were given a DVD of the Christmas Eve service. ( Thank you Justin Cowan for delivering it ) and had a peaceful morning opening gifts and having a delicious breakfast....thank you Susan for the Cinnamon rolls! Now that Christmas is over I have a moment to give you an update on John and life in our household.

I will try to fill you in on the past 3 weeks....... 2 weeks ago was a really rough one for all of us. John's was struggling with his breathing and specifically had a hard time getting his lungs cleared out. There were many very late nights on the phone with hospice......until after their continued encouragement, John finally agreed to take an anti-anxiety drug to calm him down before these episodes begin, and morphine which helps to open up his lungs and improve his breathing. After one of these particularly bad nights , I had a mini meltdown and called Charlene Vigil , a friend and nurse who is part of our church. Many months ago she had offered to provide nursing assistance during the nights so Amanda and I could get some sleep. After holding off for many months from taking her up on her offer, I was now ready for help. That night she came over and was here till the early morning hours assisting us with Chest PT's and suction machines, giving us some much needed rest. She came the next night and did the same thing. I felt like the calvalry had arrived to us war torn soldiers. Since Charlene has begun coming she has now assembled a group of gifted and amazing servants who are nurses and who have kindly offered to help us each night with John's care. We are so grateful that you would do this for our family. Words are inadequate to express our heart felt thanks.

While John is more comfortable now that he is using the drugs to help him with the symtoms, he is also using the oxygen more each day and sleeping more each day. This is what we expected and what will happen as he is able to get less oxygen in his lungs. When he's fully awake and rested...he is still very alert and very much John! His mornings are the best, by nighttime he is much more tired and less conversive. We are so grateful he is not as stressed with his breathing and we have more time to talk and enjoy each other.

While we continue to enjoy precious times together and though we have stopped having visitors, our dear friend and pastor Adam Malcolm continues to visit John and is now reading to him from the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn. A book that is helping to prepare my wonderful husband even more for the moment he will see his Savior face to face and behold His glory. We do not know how much longer John will be with us but we would want you to know that we are all doing well in our souls, filled with God's amazing grace, and so very grateful for the time we have had. ALS has often been referred to as the long goodbye. We have grieved much along the way as John was faced with one loss after another. So many milestones have marked our journey. Not being able to drive anymore, not being able to play his beloved guitar anymore, not being able to stand, or being able to hug each of us, not being able to feed himself........the list goes on and on. There have been many tears, as we each had to face the reality of our new normal. But through it all we felt sustained by grace and given strength we know was not our own.

Lastly, you our friends have made this journey so much lighter through your constant and loving care for our family. You have brought us meals , cleaned our house, sent notes of encouragement, gifts of money to help out while I’ve taken Family Medical Leave from work, brought church to Johnny so he could experience corporate worship, those men who would come regularly to visit with John, giving us time to run errands, Christmas dinners fit for a king, youth groups who cleaned our garage and chipped in their own money to buy us a refrigerator for extra meals, The list goes on and on..............

Romans 8:28 says that for those who love God....he works all things together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

By God’s grace we felt very early on that we were called to trust Him and that all suffering brings with it an opportunity to display his work in our lives. We pray that in some small way God has become greater to each of you through our trial, that you would not fear the future and know that God allows all these things for our good and for his glory.


  1. You guys are loved.

  2. Thank you for the faith-filled update. You are an encouragement and inspiration to us all. May we all live our lives and face eternity so well. We are praying for you all the time.
    Kathy Tucker and family

  3. It was good to see you all on Christmas. I was astonished at how well the anti-anxiety meds seemed to help. We love you.

  4. As I read this to my kids, we wept with sorrow for you, and with joy at the truth you display in the midst. Your family is in our prayers.

  5. Your amazing faith continues to humble and inspire. We love you all very much and we are praying fervently for you as you continue going through this difficult time.

    The Riordans

  6. An excellent post - thanks for YOUR encouragement in what you write and how you live - to God be the glory! Your friends (near and far) will keep up the prayers.
    With love and great respect,
    -- Chuck & Eli

  7. You all are in our thoughts and prayers daily! Your amazing faith & strength is an example and inspiration to us! We love you guys!
    Roger & Becky

  8. John and Kathy,

    Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

    When the Lord said, "Be strong and courageous," he was not telling Joshua to gather intestinal fortitude, rather this command, I believe, was of the same authoritative proclamation of the Holy Spirit of the Lord as the proclamation,"Let there be Light!, And there was Light!"

    The Lord was imputing strength and courage to Joshua by his very authoritative word, and the Lord is imputing strength and courage to you and John by his very word! Death is swallowed up in victory, and God will have the Glory in this trial.

    This battle will be the Lord's and he will prepare a table before your family in the presence of your enemies. I often, when I think of Psalm 23, see a Kingdom that the enemy has laid seige to. However, our Lord Jesus, who many times fed multitudes with a few loafs and fishes, will prepare a feast for you all even in the midst of this seige, and the seige will not have an effect upon you.

    We are praying for you, John and your family. We pray that the Lord would minister to you all.

    In His Love,

    Dan and Jeanne Welch

  9. Still praying for you.

    Kathy Tucker

  10. Dear Kathy,
    You are an amazing women always have been always will be! Thank you for your example of strength and courage that you so eloquently stated comes from God and God alone to Him be the Glory. I love you Kathy and I am praying for you.
    In Him
    Lolly DiMaio

  11. I am praying for you every day, and am encouraged by your faith. God is good. Thank you for letting the Spirit work in you, and being willing to share what is going on in a way that brings Him glory.

    -Abbi Sherer
